Monday, July 19, 2010

PP 2nd Final Board 23

Board 23
Dlr S
Vul Both

♠ A 8 7 5
6 3 2
K 8 3 2
♣ 8 5
♠ Q J 2♠ 4
K Q 10 7 4A J 8
6 410 9 7
♣ K J 7♣ Q 10 6 4 3 2
♠ K 10 9 6 3
9 5
A Q J 5
♣ A 9

All Pass

This was nearly a disaster.  3♠ was mixed and for some reason South brought it in.

I led the K and then continued a suit-preference 4, when a count 10 would have been better.  Understandably, partner won and played a 3rd.  This allowed declarer to eliminate the hand and throw me in with the 3rd round of trumps to give up a ruff-sluff or lead away from my KJx in clubs.  I felt sick and led a club, but partner was nice enough to hold the ♣Q so down 1. 

+100 was worth 13/17.


  1. You think it should be count because dummy's diamonds make a diamond shift impossible?

  2. I think count is the first priority in this situation regardless of the minor situation. It's a bonus that partner will also know what to shift to.

    If there had been 2 hearts in dummy, then I'd expect suitpref.
