Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Platinum Pairs 1st Final Board 3

This is a declarer play problem for West.

Board 3
Dlr South
Vul E-W

A J 2 Q 10 8 6 4
A K 3 J 5
K Q 9 6 410 5 2
K J9 8 2

West North East South
Dbl2 2♠Pass
3NAll Pass

2 was a bad raise.

[Not 100% sure of the auction after 2]

2 led, with the jack winning trick 1. Then the ♠10 held. Now what?

Full deal and outcome below.

9 7 5
Q 6 2
J 8
Q 7 5 4 3
A J 2 Q 10 8 6 4
A K 3 J 5
K Q 9 6 410 5 2
K J9 8 2
K 3
10 9 8 7 4
A 7 3
A 10 6

Declarer reasoned that he needed me to have a doubleton spade or doubleton diamond honor, so he next led a diamond to his king and cashed ♠A. If the king hadn't fallen, he planned to duck a diamond next.

Once the ♠K did fall, though, he passed up a free shot to guess diamonds, probably by playing an honor out of his hand. If he does that, he'll make 5 (or 6 if I try underleading a club). Instead, he ran spades squeezing his hand and made only 4.

We got 5/17, had he played a trick better we'd have lost 2.5 more. Doesn't seem like much.

[Andy] I agree with the analysis, although it's hard to say "doesn't seem like much" when we won the event by 0.48 matchpoints :) This is one of the more amusing parts of the event postmortem -- after talking to virtually anyone about anything they did on any hand, there's a good chance we could say "thanks, if you hadn't done that we wouldn't have won."

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